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Our software is accessible on Desktop, Laptop, PCs/ Macs, Tablets or Smartphones.  In the office, in the field, at home, ‘out of town’ or overseas. You can deliver crucial information to every relevant staff member who can access the system, any and every minute of every day (or after hours if necessary).  You will be ‘open all hours’ should you need access. Each staff member will require entry to a different ‘slice’ of the system, so you can set the passwords and the roles you want them to focus on. The software data relationship design, means once entered all data is filtered to each relevant page. This single point of data entry ensures that manual entry and errors are down to a minimum because staff are not engaged in time consuming unnecessary tasks.  You’ll find your staff are happier and feel in control of their work life and their role.

Our easy to use dashboard, makes navigating through company information, a breeze.   Presented in a user friendly way, with the ability to edit information if necessary, entries take little or no time to add.    However, there are some areas where only your System Administrator can access…and you set those limits.